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A First Look Vs. The Traditional Down the Aisle

First Look V. The Traditional Down The Aisle, What To Do??

We want to tackle the highly debated tradition of saving the first time you see each other for walking down the aisle versus doing the first look. Many people will debate the pros and cons of one or the other, but the first look quickly gaining traction for several reasons. If you want to follow what your mom, grandma, and maybe great-grandma did, then a first look probably isn’t for you. But if you consider the first look and have concerns, we want to share a few snafus our couples have solved with a simple change to the timeline. 

The first thing that we commonly hear is, “I don’t want it to spoil the ceremony.”

It doesn’t have to spoil the ceremony at all.

No matter what, the big day has been long-awaited and planned out for a year or more. There will always be emotions when you come down the aisle because you finally will be getting married! First looks allow those intimate moments of seeing each other to be shared just between you two.  Once your guests arrive, the saying, “it goes by so fast,” kicks in no matter how much planning you’ve done to prepare. With a first look, you can capture some time together alone before the day really begins. A twist on this is seeing each other for the first time down the aisle but try what Amy did at her wedding.

Exchange vows or at least hear each other before you say I do. 

Bree Lea Photography

Another pro for having a first look is that it allows you to get a lot of the pictures done early to get to the cocktail hour and reception faster.

Here is what Michelle from Michelle Joy Photography has to say about a first look:

Michelle Joy Photography

Michelle Joy Photography

Michelle brings us to our next point of getting the nerves out of the way.

The first look allows that anticipation of seeing each other to happen earlier in the day so that you can take a deep breath together and fully take in what is about to happen.

We asked some couples what they did and here’s what they have to say about it:

Sam and Grace Photography

Taylor Lauren Photography

Jenna Rosalie Photography

So that leaves the question, what did or would you want to do in the future? First look or traditional down the aisle?

We would love to hear from you and see what you did for your big day!!

Which did or would you choose?
A first look
Traditional down the aisle